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For VAU320neo Use Only


Preflight preperations in VRChat differs a lot from real operations due to technology limitations. Do NOT apply these in real life.

Preflight preperations are necessary in any flight. A good preperation ensures that you'll unlikely to get lost in the sky. The example will show a preflight preperation procedure from and to RWY 10L of ZVAU.

Gathering Information

There are mainly two categories of airports in VRChat:

  • Mimic of a realistic airport. In this case, Navigation Charts can be found in services like Navigraph.
  • Fictional airports. Refer to the aeronautical information provided by the developers.


Only a few fictional airports provides aeronautical information. In most cases you will need to gather these information by acutually inspecting around the airport.

ZVAU provides AIS services in VAU Aeronautical Information Services, which will be used for this example.

Flight Plan

For this example, we'll be taking of from RWY 10L of ZVAU, fly runway heading until 2000ft (600m),turn left and directly join downwind of heading 283, and turn left again to base of heading 193. After we have visual of RWY 10L, we'll turn and join final.

Flight Plan

Released under the MIT License.