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Startup and Taxiing


For VAU320neo Use Only

Getting Seated


Sit to the left when entering.


Only the player on the left seat has control for now. Other seats are passenger seats only.


VAU320neo Cockpit After seated, check that there is no person or unexpected objects on the ground. Then select Canopy to close the cabin door (That is Z in desktop mode). Select AUTO START in order to start the engines (That is F4 in desktop mode).


Do not start the engine without clearing people or unexpected objects on the ground. Although it won't cause any injury directly, it will cause damages to the engine and mess up with the apron. You will likely be beaten by angry people on the ground and thus causing indirect injuries.

ECAM when startup

Monitor ECAM when startup (The screen in red frame in the screenshot). After AVAIL is shown on both engine indicators, the startup procedure completes.

ECAM after startup

After Startup

ECAM with configuration 1+F

After startup, select Flaps (That is F in desktop mode) to set flaps and slats to 1+F1. Check that ECAM shows configuration set to 1+F. Then, select LANDING LIGHT (That is F5 in desktop mode) to turn on the Landing Lights.


In real operations, your are not supposed to turn on Landing Lights other than takeoff, landing, entering and exiting the runway. The reason why we turn on Landing Lights here is because VAU320neo has no Taxi Light settings.


Since we are parking at TWY J1, we'll need to taxi via J1, T2, A, A1 to RWY 10L, according to the airport chart of ZVAU.

Taxi route


After you apply a little bit throttle to start moving the aircraft, you can then keep the throttle at idle. This is because the engines of VAU320neo provides enough thrust power for taxiing even in idle thrust.

Released under the MIT License.